List of hooks for Airin Blog theme
For use, read – What are hooks and how to use them
Before the closing tag HEAD | wp_head |
Before the closing tag BODY | wp_footer |
Before the closing tag FOOTER | airinblog_hook_after_footer |
Top menu
Before top menu | airinblog_hook_before_topmenu |
After top menu | airinblog_hook_after_topmenu |
Main menu
Before the main menu | airinblog_hook_before_mainmenu |
After the main menu | airinblog_hook_after_mainmenu |
Wide slider
After Wide slider | airinblog_hook_after_widthslider |
At the top of the footer | airinblog_hook_before_footer |
Before bottom menu | airinblog_hook_before_menu_footer |
Before the big slider on the main page | airinblog_hook_before_main_slidebig |
Before the section – 5 blocks on the main | airinblog_hook_before_main_five_grid |
Before the section – narrow blocks on the main | airinblog_hook_before_main_narrow_grid |
Before the section – 3 blocks on the main | airinblog_hook_before_main_three_grid |
Before the section – vertical blocks on the main | airinblog_hook_before_main_vertical_grid |
Before – partial slider on the home page | airinblog_hook_before_main_slide_partial |
Before – triple slider on home page | airinblog_hook_before_main_slide_three |
Before – double slider on home page | airinblog_hook_before_main_slide_two |
Before the articles section on the main page | airinblog_hook_before_main_article |
After the articles section on the main | airinblog_hook_after_main_article |
Before breadcrumbs | airinblog_hook_before_breadcrumbs |
Before the list of articles in the rubric section | airinblog_hook_before_article |
After the list of articles in the rubric section | airinblog_hook_after_article |
Before the main image in posts | airinblog_hook_before_post_thumb |
Before the title inside the post | airinblog_hook_before_post_title |
Before Meta Data inside the post | airinblog_hook_before_post_meta |
Before content inside the post | airinblog_hook_before_post_content |
Before the author’s block inside the post | airinblog_hook_before_post_bio |
Before the block – next post | airinblog_hook_before_post_next |
Before the block – related posts | airinblog_hook_before_post_related |
Before the block – comments inside the post | airinblog_hook_before_post_comments |
At the end of the post | airinblog_hook_after_post |
Before the main image on the pages | airinblog_hook_before_page_thumb |
Above the heading inside the page | airinblog_hook_before_page_title |
After the Header inside the page | airinblog_hook_after_page_title |
At the end of the page | airinblog_hook_after_page |
WooCommerce – Product Categories
Before searching for products | pre_get_product_search_form |
Above the product grid | woocommerce_archive_description |
After the product grid | woocommerce_after_shop_loop |
WooCommerce – Product page
At the top of the product page | woocommerce_before_single_product |
After the title on the product page | woocommerce_single_product_summary |
After the price on the product page | woocommerce_single_product_summary |
At the bottom of the product data on the product page | woocommerce_product_meta_end |
Above similar products on the product page | woocommerce_after_single_product_summary |
At the end of the product page | woocommerce_after_single_product |
WooCommerce – Cart Page
Above the list of products on the shopping cart page | woocommerce_before_cart |
After the list of products on the cart page | woocommerce_after_cart_table |
At the bottom of the cart page | woocommerce_after_cart |
WooCommerce – Order page
Under the heading on the order page | woocommerce_before_checkout_form |
After the order details on the order page | woocommerce_checkout_after_customer_details |
At the end of the order page | woocommerce_after_checkout_form |
WooCommerce – Page – order accepted
Above the order information on the page – the order is accepted | woocommerce_thankyou |
After the information about the order on the page – the order is accepted | woocommerce_order_details_after_order_table |
At the end of the page – order accepted | woocommerce_thankyou |
WooCommerce – Personal Area
Top of the personal account | woocommerce_account_content |
At the bottom of the dashboard tab in the personal account | woocommerce_account_dashboard |
At the bottom of your account | woocommerce_account_content |
Before the title on the bbPress pages | airinblog_hook_before_bbpress_title |
After the title in the bbPress pages | airinblog_hook_after_bbpress_title |
At the bottom of the bbPress page | airinblog_hook_after_bbpress |
Before the title on the BuddyPress pages | airinblog_hook_before_buddypress_title |
After the title in the BuddyPress pages | airinblog_hook_after_buddypress_title |
At the bottom of the BuddyPress page | airinblog_hook_after_buddypress |